
Basic Installation Steps

The dependencies of pypore are:

  1. Python v2.7.+
  2. Cython
  3. SciPy
  4. NumPy
  5. PyTables
  6. C Compiler

pyporegui depends on all of pypore‘s above dependencies, along with the following:

  1. PySide
  2. PyQtGraph

These packages can be installed individually, but it is strongly recommended that you use a complete scientific Python distribution, especially on Windows and Mac OS X.

Recommended distributions are:

  1. Anaconda
  2. EPD
  3. Python(x,y)
  4. WinPython

These distributions ship with a bunch of widely-used python libraries. When installing one of these distributions, ensure that the above libraries are installed. PyQtGraph is the least likely library to ship with one of the distributions, so after installing a distribution, go to PyQtGraph, which has binary installers.

C Compiler

In order to compile and use the modules written in Cython, you will need a C compiler. The pypore.cythonsetup module sets up the compiler based on the detected OS.

For Linux and Mac, gcc is used.

Fow Windows, MinGW is used.

  • MinGW is packaged and can be installed during the Python(x,y)

    installation process. Make sure to check it during installation.

  • Hopefully this is true of the other distributions.