Installation ============ Basic Installation Steps -------------------------- The dependencies of :py:mod:`pypore` are: #. `Python v2.7.+ `_ #. `Cython `_ #. `SciPy `_ #. `NumPy `_ #. `PyTables `_ #. `C Compiler`_ :py:mod:`pyporegui` depends on all of :py:mod:`pypore`'s above dependencies, along with the following: #. `PySide `_ #. `PyQtGraph `_ These packages can be installed individually, but it is **strongly** recommended that you use a complete scientific Python distribution, especially on Windows and Mac OS X. Recommended distributions are: #. `Anaconda `_ #. `EPD `_ #. `Python(x,y) `_ #. `WinPython `_ These distributions ship with a bunch of widely-used python libraries. When installing one of these distributions, ensure that the above libraries are installed. `PyQtGraph `_ is the least likely library to ship with one of the distributions, so after installing a distribution, go to `PyQtGraph `_, which has binary installers. C Compiler ----------- In order to compile and use the modules written in `Cython `_, you will need a C compiler. The :py:mod:`pypore.cythonsetup` module sets up the compiler based on the detected OS. For Linux and Mac, ``gcc`` is used. Fow Windows, `MinGW `_ is used. - MinGW is packaged and can be installed during the `Python(x,y) `_\ installation process. Make sure to check it during installation. - Hopefully this is true of the other distributions. Get the Code ----------------- `Fork me on GitHub! `_. `Download .zip file `_. `Download .tar.gz file `_.