from PySide import QtGui
import numpy as np
from pyqtgraph import PlotItem
from pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotCurveItem import PlotCurveItem
[docs]class HistogramItem(PlotItem):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.rotate = False
if 'rotate' in kwargs:
self.rotate = kwargs['rotate']
del kwargs['rotate'] # if you don't delete, MyHistogramItem will start with
# a PlotDataItem for some reason
super(HistogramItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.data_array = []
self.bins = np.zeros(1)
self.n_bins = 0
self.minimum = 0.
self.maximum = 0.
self.minimum_array = []
self.maximum_array = []
self.n_bins_array = []
[docs] def add_histogram(self, data, n_bins=None, color=None):
Adds a histogram to the plot.
:param numpyArray data: Data for histogram.
:param IntType n_bins: Number of bins for the histogram. Default value is sqrt(data.size).
:param QtGui.QColor color: (Optional) color of the new histogram.
if n_bins is None:
n_bins = data.size ** 0.5
minimum = data.min()
maximum = data.max()
# if this is the first histogram plotted,
# initialize_c settings
if len(self.data_array) < 1:
self.minimum = minimum
self.maximum = maximum
self.n_bins = n_bins
self.bins = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, int(self.n_bins + 1))
# re-plot the other histograms with this new
# binning if needed
re_hist = False
if minimum < self.minimum:
self.minimum = minimum
re_hist = True
if maximum > self.maximum:
self.maximum = maximum
re_hist = True
if n_bins > self.n_bins:
self.n_bins = n_bins
re_hist = True
if re_hist:
self._plot_histogram(data, color)
def _plot_histogram(self, data, color=None):
if color is None:
color = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255, 128)
# Copy self.bins, otherwise it is returned as x, which we can accidentally modify
# by x *= -1, leaving self.bins modified.
bins = self.bins.copy()
y, x = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)
if self.rotate:
x *= -1.
curve = PlotCurveItem(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=color)
if self.rotate:
def _re_histogram(self):
self.bins = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, self.n_bins + 1)
items = self.listDataItems()
for i, item in enumerate(items):
# Copy self.bins, otherwise it is returned as x, which we can accidentally modify
# by x *= -1, leaving self.bins modified.
bins = self.bins.copy()
y, x = np.histogram(self.data_array[i], bins=bins)
if self.rotate:
x *= -1.
item.setData(x, y)
[docs] def remove_item_at(self, index):
Removes the histogram item at index.
:param IntType index: Index of the histogram to remove.
if len(self.data_array) < 1:
del self.data_array[index]
del self.minimum_array[index]
del self.maximum_array[index]
del self.n_bins_array[index]
# return if no more histograms to display
if len(self.data_array) < 1:
re_hist = False
# do we need to re-plot?
maxi = max(self.maximum_array)
if maxi < self.maximum:
re_hist = True
self.maximum = maxi
mini = min(self.minimum_array)
if mini > self.minimum:
re_hist = True
self.minimum = mini
nb = max(self.n_bins_array)
if nb < self.n_bins:
re_hist = True
self.n_bins = nb
if re_hist: