Source code for pypore.sampledata.creator

Module for creating sample data.

- Create a current trace with specified events using \
    :func:`create_specified_data <pypore.sampledata.creator.create_specified_data>`.
- Create a current trace with random events using \
    :func:`create_random_data <pypore.sampledata.creator.create_random_data>`.

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import geom

from pypore.filetypes.data_file import open_file

[docs]def create_random_data(filename, seconds, sample_rate, baseline=0.0, noise=None, event_rate=0, event_durations=None, event_depths=None, overwrite=False): """ Creates random sample data. Leaves the first 200 data points free of events. :param str filename: Filename for the data. If the file already exists and overwrite=False, an IOError is raised. :param float seconds: Number of seconds of data. :param float sample_rate: The sampling rate of the data, in Hz. :param float baseline: The baseline of the data, in uA. :param scipy.stats.distributions.rv_frozen noise: A frozen :mod:`scipy.stats` probability distribution\ for the noise. An example normal distribution with mean 2 uA and std dev 3 uA is :: from scipy.stats import norm noise = norm(loc=2, scale=3) Default is no noise. :param float event_rate: Rate of events in Hz. :param scipy.stats.distributions.rv_frozen event_durations: A frozen :mod:`scipy.stats` probability distribution\ for the event duration (in seconds). :param scipy.stats.distributions.rv_frozen event_depths: A frozen :mod:`scipy.stats` probability distribution\ for the event depth, in uA. :param bool overwrite: Whether overwriting an existing file at filename is allowed. If false, and filename exists.\ an IOError will be raised. :raises: :py:exc:`IOError` - If the filename already exists and overwrite=False. >>> from pypore.sampledata.creator import create_random_data >>> from scipy import stats >>> seconds = 1. # 1 second of data. >>> sample_rate = 1.e6 # 1 MHz sample rate. >>> event_rate = 100. # 100 events/sec, on average. >>> baseline = 10. # 10 uA baseline. >>> noise = stats.norm(scale=.5) # Normal distributed noise with mean of 0 std dev of 0.5 uA. >>> event_depths = stats.norm(loc=2., scale=1.) # Normal distributed events with mean of 2 and std dev of 1 uA. >>> event_durations = stats.norm(loc=100.e-6, scale=10.e-6) # Normal distributed event durations with mean of 100 us and std dev 10 us. >>> n_events = create_random_data('random_trace.h5', seconds, sample_rate, baseline, noise, event_rate, event_durations, event_depths) """ if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError( "File already exists. Use a different filename, or call with overwrite=True to over-write existing file.") n_points = int(seconds * sample_rate) f = open_file(filename, mode='w', n_points=n_points, sample_rate=sample_rate) data = np.zeros(n_points) + baseline if noise is not None: data += noise.rvs(size=n_points) event_count = 0 if event_rate > 0: i = 200 mean_length = event_durations.mean() * sample_rate expected_events = seconds * event_rate # Available space that is not events or the beginning of the data. free_space = n_points - expected_events * mean_length - i event_probability = expected_events/free_space # Use geometric distribution to find the next starting spot of an event. rv = geom(event_probability) while i < n_points: # get next event start distance i += rv.rvs() event_count += 1 event_length = event_durations.rvs() * sample_rate event_depth_i = event_depths.rvs() if i + event_length > n_points: event_length = n_points - i data[i:i+event_length] += event_depth_i i += event_length[:] = data[:] f.close() return event_count
[docs]def create_specified_data(filename, n, sample_rate, baseline=0.0, noise_scale=0.0, events=np.zeros(0), overwrite=False): """ Creates a :class:`DataFile <pypore.filetypes.data_file.DataFile>` with sample event data. :param filename: The name for the new DataFile. :param int n: The number of samples in the data set. :param float sample_rate: The sample rate of the data set. :param float baseline: The baseline of the data. Default is 0.0. :param float noise_scale: Passed to :func:`numpy.random.normal`, it is the standard deviation of the Gaussian\ noise added to the signal. Default is 0.0. :param events: A list of events to add to the baseline. Events are specified as\ [starting_point, length, current_change]. So for example :: events = [[100,200,-.1], [560, 100, .6]] specifies 2 events: #. Starts at data position 100, with length 200, and current change of -.1. #. Starts at data position 560, with length of 100, and current change of +.6. Default is no events added. :param bool overwrite: Whether to overwrite an existing file at **filename**, if it exists. If **False**, and\ filename already exists, an IOError will be raised. Default **False**. :raises: :exc:`IOError` - If the filename already exists and overwrite=False. >>> from pypore.sampledata.creator import create_specified_data as csd >>> filename = "test.h5" >>> n = 10000 >>> events = [[100, 200, -.5], [3000, 1000, -.8]] # Creates an event starting at position 100, with length 200 and\ # baseline change of -0.5. >>> create_specified_data(filename, n, 1.e4, baseline=5.0, noise_scale=1.0, events=events) """ if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError( "File already exists. Use a different filename, or call with overwrite=True to over-write existing file.") f = open_file(filename, mode='w', n_points=n, sample_rate=sample_rate) data = np.zeros(n) + baseline if noise_scale > 0: data += np.random.normal(scale=noise_scale, size=n) for event in events: data[event[0]:event[0] + event[1]] += event[2][:] = data[:] f.close()