Source code for pypore.file_converter

Created on Jan 28, 2014

@author: `@parkin`_
from filetypes import data_file
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from pypore.i_o import get_reader_from_filename

[docs]def convert_file(filename, output_filename=None): """ Convert a file to the pypore .h5 file format. Returns the new file's name. """ reader = get_reader_from_filename(filename) sample_rate = reader.get_sample_rate() n_points = reader.get_points_per_channel_total() if output_filename is None: output_filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '.h5' save_file = data_file.open_file(output_filename, mode='w', sample_rate=sample_rate, n_points=n_points) blocks_to_get = 1 data = reader.get_next_blocks(blocks_to_get)[0] n = data.size i = 0 while n > 0:[i:n + i] = data[:] i += n data = reader.get_next_blocks(blocks_to_get)[0] n = data.size reader.close() save_file.flush() save_file.close() return output_filename
[docs]def filter_file(filename, filter_frequency, out_sample_rate, output_filename=None): """ Reads data from the filename file and uses a Butterworth low-pass filter with cutoff at filter_frequency. Outputs the filtered waveform to a new :py:class:`pypore.filetypes.data_file.DataFile`. :param StringType filename: Filename containing data to be filtered. :param DoubleType filter_frequency: Cutoff frequency for the low-pass Butterworth filter. :param DoubleType out_sample_rate: After the data is filtered, it can be resampled to roughly out_sample_rate. If \ out_sample_rate <= 0, the data will not be resampled. :param StringType output_filename: (Optional) Filename for the filtered data. If not specified, for an example filename='test.mat', the default output_filename would be 'test_filtered.h5' :returns: StringType -- The output filename of the filtered data. Usage: >>> import pypore.file_converter as fC >>> fC.filter_file("filename", 1.e4, 1.e5, "output.h5") // filter at 10kHz, resample at 100kHz """ reader = get_reader_from_filename(filename) data = reader.get_all_data()[0] sample_rate = reader.get_sample_rate() final_sample_rate = sample_rate n_points = len(data) if output_filename is None: output_filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_filtered.h5' # wn is a fraction of the Nyquist frequency (half the sampling frequency). wn = filter_frequency / (0.5 * sample_rate) b, a = sig.butter(6, wn) filtered = sig.filtfilt(b, a, data)[:] # resample the data, if requested. if 0 < out_sample_rate < sample_rate: n_out = int(np.ceil(n_points * out_sample_rate / sample_rate)) filtered = sig.resample(filtered, num=n_out) final_sample_rate = sample_rate * (1.0*n_out/n_points) save_file = data_file.open_file(output_filename, mode='w', sample_rate=final_sample_rate, n_points=filtered.size)[:] = filtered[:] save_file.flush() save_file.close() return output_filename